Facilities Services is dedicated to maintaining the physical campus environment that enables our students, faculty, and staff to achieve their objectives in instruction, research, and public service. To accomplish this mission, we need the help of active and involved Building Coordinators.
The Building Coordinator (BC) serves as a communication liaison between building occupants and the Facilities Services team to schedule significant maintenance or remodeling changes that could result in a disruption of service to the departments within it. In addition, Facilities Services will contact BCs in case of maintenance emergencies, utility outages, and other major problems that affect the building so they can relay information to building occupants in a timely manner. The BC will also serve as a local point-of-contact and conduit for ISU's emergency preparedness and planning efforts within a campus building.
This role is an excellent way to become more involved with teams across the campus community. To learn more about the role's expectations, please review the Building Coordinator description (currently under construction amd will be uploaded when complete).
If you are interested in serving as a Building Coordinator, please email Glen Dawson.
Building | Building Name | Coordinator Name | Mail Code | Phone | |
305N | Office of Sustainability | Elisabeth Reed | ereed2@ilstu.edu | 9150 | 438-7357 |
308 | Kingsley Building Suite B | Emmalie Shuck | etshuck@ilstu.edu | 2500 | 438-2135 |
308 | Kingsley Building Suite A (HR Testing) | Colette Homan | cshoman@ilstu.edu | 1300 | 438-8848 |
ALUM | Alumni Center | Toni Tucker | ttucker@iltu.edu | 8000 | 438-6333 |
RAB | Ropp Agriculture Building | Sally Little | salitt2@ilstu.edu | 5020 | 438-5655 |
ASB | Art Studio Building | Laura Primozic | lmprimo@ilstu.edu | 5620 | 438-2476 |
BBC | Bowling & Billiards Center | Val Deal | vkcurti@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-7058 |
BBC | Bowling & Billiards Center | Rick Holmes | raholme@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-4558 |
BON | Bone Student Center | Joe Hendrix | jkhendr3@ilstu.edu | 2640 | 438-8515 |
BRA | Braden Auditorium | Joe Hendrix | jkhendr3@ilstu.edu | 2640 | 438-8515 |
CE | Centennial East | Mona Hubbard | mmhubba@ilstu.edu | 5660 | 438-7633 |
CFCE | Center for Civic Engagement | Beth Porter | eaporte4@ilstu.edu | 3800 | 438-1100 |
CH | Cook Hall | Trevor Gould | tgould@ilstu.edu | 5660 | 438-5286 |
CPA | Center for Performing Arts | Nick Benson | nebenso@ilstu.edu | 5600 | 438-3586 |
CPU | College Place Uptown | Ed Ramos | eramos@ilstu.edu | 1600 | 438-8609 |
CRO | Campus Recreation Operations | Matt Seibring | mlseibr@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-5373 |
CRO | Campus Recreation Operations | Kinsey Wirtz | kbweave@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-3706 |
CVA | Center for the Visual Arts | Laura Primozic | lmprimo@ilstu.edu | 5620 | 438-2476 |
CW | Centennial West | Connie Blick | ctchojn@ilstu.edu | 5700 | 438-8784 |
DBF | Duffy Bass Field | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
DEG | DeGarmo Hall | Stacy Jones Bock | sjbock@ilstu.edu | 5300 | 438-7884 |
DVB | Vidette Building | Vacant | 0890 | 438-7688 | |
EDW | Edwards Hall | Diane Folken | dmfolke@ilstu.edu | 5810 | 438-2247 |
EWI | Ewing Manor | Toni Tucker | ttucker@ilstu.edu | 8000 | 438-6333 |
FARM | University Farm Areas | Jason Lindbom | jmlindb@ilstu.edu | 5020 | 365-8235 |
FEL | Fell Hall | Beth Bradford | blbradf@ilstu.edu | 1290 | 438-5853 |
FH | Fairchild Hall | Diane Leonard | dmleona@ilstu.edu | 4720 | 438-8618 |
FHS | Felmley Hall of Science | Paul Meister | pameist@ilstu.edu | 5220 | 438-7479 |
FHS | Felmley Hall of Science | Karen Dunton | kkedunt@ilstu.edu | 4400 | 438-7640 |
GFS | John Green | Brady Mann | bemann@ilstu.edu | 2610 | 438-8582 |
GRO | Campus Services Building | Sandy Schmeusser-Smith | srschme@ilstu.edu | 9000 | 438-2032 |
HAN | Hancock Stadium | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
HNN | Risk Management | Dave Marple | dgmarpl@ilstu.edu | 1200 | 438-1900 |
HOV | Hovey Hall | Molly Briggs-Yonke | mgbrig2@ilstu.edu | 1000 | 438-5670 |
HPT | Heating Plant | Daniel Kane | dmkane@ilstu.edu | 9000 | 438-2083 |
HPB | Honors Program Building | Julie Brooks | jlbrook@ilstu.edu | 6100 | 438-2550 |
HTN | Horton Field House | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
HUA | ROTC Building | Kameron Cox | kmcox@ilstu.edu | 5160 | 438-5408 |
JH | Julian Hall - Technology Solutions | Tami Radka | tlradka@ilstu.edu | 3380 | 438-1112 |
JH | Julian Hall - Biology | Amy Gilliland | axsedgw@ilstu.edu | 4120 | 438-3252 |
JH | Julian Hall - Chemistry | Jean Jorden | jljord4@ilstu.edu | 4160 | 438-2960 |
KFB | Kaufman Football Building | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
LIN | Linkins Center | Joe Hendrix | jkhendr3@ilstu.edu | 2650 | 438-8515 |
MCC | Multicultural Center | Matt Adachi | mmadach@ilstu.edu | 5800 | 438-3066 |
MNLB | Mennonite Lab Building | Urszula Szpila | uaszpil@ilstu.edu | 5810 | 438-2553 |
MLB | Milner Library | Ryan Peters | rjpete2@ilstu.edu | 8900 | 438-2865 |
MLS | Metcalf Lab School | Becky Nuesken | rastolz1@ilstu.edu | 7000 | 438-2093 |
MLT | Moulton Hall | Amanda Balonis | anbalon@ilstu.edu | 2202 | 438-8586 |
MLT | Moulton Hall | Rachel Purviance | rmenken@ilstu.edu | 4560 | 438-8758 |
NSB | Nelson Smith Building | Colette Homan | cshoman@ilstu.edu | 1300 | 438-8848 |
ORL | Housing & ORL | Jamie Neville | jnevill@ilstu.edu | 2600 | 438-2913 |
OU | Old Union | Dana Tuttle | dltuttl@ilstu.edu | 5150 | 438-8339 |
PDA | Professional Development Building Annex | Todd Eddy | teeddy@ilstu.edu | 5960 | 438-3933 |
PFLD | Football Practice Field | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
PSB | Parking Services Building | Mary Jo Kocar | mjkocar@ilstu.edu | 9250 | 438-8446 |
RAC | Redbird Adventure Center | Matt Seibring | mlseibr@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-5373 |
RAC | Redbird Adventure Center | Kinsey Wirtz | kbweave@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-3706 |
RBA | CEFCU Arena | Marc Martindale | mamar22@ilstu.edu | 2660 | 438-3630 |
RC | Rachel Cooper | Diane Leonard | dmleona@ilstu.edu | 4720 | 438-8618 |
SAB | Student Accounts Building | Katie Zilligen | krzilli@ilstu.edu | 1210 | 438-7641 |
SAB | Student Accounts Building | Bobbie Dunlap | bjdunl1@ilstu.eud | 1210 | 438-8340 |
SCH | Schroeder Hall | Jenny Altieri | jjdoutt@ilstu.edu | 5250 | 438-7626 |
SFCM | Student Fitness Center/McCormick Hall | Matt Seibring | mlseibr@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-5373 |
SFCM | Student Fitness Center/McCormick Hall | Kinsey Wirtz | kbweave@ilstu.edu | 2781 | 438-3706 |
SFHB | State Farm Hall of Business | Liam Nance-Carroll | ljnance@ilstu.edu | 5500 | 438-3591 |
SLB | Science Lab Building | Amy Gilliland | axsedgw@ilstu.edu | 4120 | 438-3252 |
SLB | Science Lab Building | Jean Jorden | jljord4@ilstu.edu | 4160 | 438-2960 |
SSB | Student Services Building | Joe Hendrix | jkhendr3@ilstu.edu | 2520 | 438-8515 |
STV | Stevenson Hall | Laura Vogel | lavogel@ilstu.edu | 4100 | 438-5669 |
STV | Stevenson Hall | Cindy Caldwell | clcaldw@ilstu.edu | 4200 | 438-8617 |
STV | Stevenson Hall | Crystal Scheiman | cjschei@ilstu.edu | 4540 | 438-5571 |
TUR | Turner Child Care Center | Carrie Carlson | ccarlso@ilstu.edu | 5000 | 438-5026 |
TUR | Turner Hall |
Cara Rabe-Hemp |
cerabe@ilstu.edu | 5000 | 438-2739 |
TUR | Turner Hall | Cindy Greskiwcz | cagresk@ilstu.edu | 5000 | 438-7602 |
UH | University High School | Mike Shanley | mcshanl@ilstu.edu | 7100 | 438-2936 |
UR | University Residence | Deborah Alexander | daalex3@ilstu.edu | 9100 | 438-2032 |
US | Uptown Station Gallery | Lisa Lofgren | lmlofgr@ilstu.edu | 7150 | 438-0789 |
VIT | Vitro Center | John Miller | jrmill3@ilstu.edu | 5620 | 438-5621 |
WDC | Watterson Dining Commons | Joe Hendrix | jkhendr3@ilstu.edu | 2650 | 438-8515 |
WIH | Williams Hall | Beth Welch | eawelch@ilstu.edu | 6370 | 438-3694 |
WRC1 | Warehouse Road Complex 1 (Property Control) | Cindy Cotton | cmcotto@ilstu.edu | 1520 | 438-8773 |
WRC2 | Warehouse Road Complex 2 (Movers) | Tony Thompson | awthomp@ilstu.edu | 9000 | 438-5143 |
For changes and updates to the roster please email Alex Campbell.